Tuesday, January 02, 2007

bursting the bubble...

being in seminary, often times i will go long periods of time without being confronted with the fact the we live in a country with people who are not only not believers, but openly hostile to our faith.
i encourage you to read this article by al mohler at the washington post website. then take the time to read the responses. it is eye opening and heart breaking.

but rather than it driving us to dismiss the real people who typed those remarks, may it drive us to prayer that we may be used to bring the gospel to those around us, and that god would open their hearts to recieve the truth.
and may we think hard on this; that while we are no better , no more intelligent, or at all any more deserving than those who responded so angrily to dr. mohler, god opened *our* hearts, by his grace.
may this reality drive us to our knees and flood our hearts and lives with humility and thanksgiving.

read the article and comments here


brando said...

wow...i haven't seen a dialogue like that...ever. i had no idea that so many people would get that rilled up about Christianity. That may be my nieveness (sp?), but all I can say after reading the article and every comment afterwords is WOW.

may God open the hearts of those who are so bitter against the Christian faith.

Thank you Stephen for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Although I've always been aware of hostility toward Christianity, I found myself becoming angry at many of the responses to Mohler's article. However, like you, my prayer is that we will respond by sharing the the gospel with people like these, and that God will open their eyes to the truth. I am truly humbled that God, for reasons unknown to me, opened my heart and eyes to the truth when I deserved condemnation.

Lauren said...

I'm thankful and surprised that a mainstream newspaper actually published that article.

I am thankful that while it is our calling to share the Gospel, it is God who does the Work in the listeners' hearts.